Donnerstag, 5. Januar 2012

Re: [H] periodontal


I have the beginnings of periodontal disease as my gums are receding, now considered stage 2 or moderate pockets, most likely due to diabetes and generally high blood glucose the last 6 years. Have to start deep below gum scraping next week. This also due to not seeing a dentist for over a year while cleanings are recommended 4x/year for diabetics.

In addition, I decided to be "heatlhy" and not use fluoride toothpaste but the "healthy" all natural fluoride-free brands you see in health food stores and Whole Foods, like Jason brand. Big mistake, now I have 13 cavities, 2 of which need crowns, 1 possible root canal. I was using non-fluoride pre- and post-brushing anti-plaque/tarter/gingivitis rinses, obviously they don't prevent much. Having not had cavities for decades can only guess using no fluoride contributed. I also drink little fluoridated water, using spring water for drinking and ice. I now use fluoride toothpaste and the highest allowed OTC fluoride rinse with 0.05% fluoride and another that's supposed to restore enamel.

I'm fortunate that I can go to a top dental school and get all work done for less than half price, about $2500, while a private dentist is about $6000. Unfortunately, they still use mercury amalgam fillings but do have a clear resin composite option but I'm having difficulty with the professors since they won't do solely zirconium crowns for back molars but insist they need to have it supported on metal, gold or silver, and I need to go private for solely zirconium. Hard to argue and win with a mindset that still feels mercury fillings can do no harm. I asked, isn't zirconium used as diamond substitutes? The student dentist was bewildered why I had all my amalgam removed years ago. While most dentists don't ask, they do have or can order epinephrine-free Lidocaine for those who are reactive to adrenaline.

Hopefully those daily constitutional LM doses will kick in and fully cure diabetes, not just ameliorate briefly, before I need dentures.


-----Original Message-----
From: Shannon Nelson <>
To: Homeopathy@Homeolist.Com <>
Sent: Wed, Jan 4, 2012 10:23 am
Subject: [H] periodontal

Has anyone here seen or read of bone regenerating from periodontal
lso any other information or links regarding homeopathic (and other
olistic) treatment of periodontal disease would be appreciated!
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