Freitag, 23. Dezember 2011

Re: [H] Combos and complexes

On Dec 23, 2011, at 3:23 AM, Paul Booyse wrote:

> I know that argument that vaccines create a chronic state etc. I am just saying that in H's time patients were chronically and acutely poisoned by the heavy metals.

True, but their damage is easier to reverse than a missing immune system:-)

It's not an "argument" that vaccines create a chronic state.
What happens is the the vaccine literally destroys the thymus gland, atrophies it, so that it is not there to prevent chronic illness. No other aspect of the immune system can defend against chronic disease, so it is a matter of time before chronic disese ocurs. Not a question of whether it will but when it will.... and it can be cancer, FIP FIV, FeLV, diabtes, Cushigns syndrome, pemphigus, asthma, etc etc - any chronic disease has free access once the thymus is gone.

The immediate damage from a vaccine other than thymus damage, can also create chronic illness directly - by introducing non-attenuated or insufficiently attenuated live vaccine, while removing immune system ability to respond, by overwhelming numbers of pathogens introduced.

Or the introductio of forein protein to an already damaged immune system can cause serious reactions.

In adjuvanted vaccines, the adjuvant itself also does more damage than the thymus atrophy.

The worst damage however is the removal of thymus defence against the truly serious chronic diseases. A lot of drugs besides vaccines cause this atrophy - glucocorticoid steroids, chemotherapics are worst, along with formaldehyde, and other chemicals. Steroids are handed out like candy these days. It's hard to find a human or animal with any thymus left.

Irene de Villiers, B.Sc AASCA MCSSA D.I.Hom/D.Vet.Hom.
P.O. Box 4703 Spokane WA 99220. (Veterinary Homeopath.)
"Man who say it cannot be done should not interrupt one doing it."

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