Freitag, 23. Dezember 2011

Re: [H] Combos vs. Singles

>> Worrying about combos when the real
>> PR damage from fraud is occurring elsewhere is like trimming your
>> toenails
>> when your hair is on fire.

> Once combos are seen for the fraud they are in claiming any aspect of
> homeopathy applies,
>the more obvious defrauders will fall away automatically

That would be true if combos were actually prominent on the radar of
ordinary people. And perhaps they are in Europe (where they have a long
history of favorable usage). But here in the U.S., the average person does
not see combos at the corner drugstore (I have to drive an hour to another
city, to a specialty shop, to find combos on a store shelf, let alone real
single remedies). The average person, however, DOES see ads--in popular
national magazines, no less--for "homeopathic" products of the kind I
described. I got a piece of spam in my inbox just a few minutes ago
promoting a "homeopathic" HCG diet product. THIS is the type of thing that
the average person in the U.S. associates with homeopathy!

Worrying about educating people about the evils of combos is utterly
pointless when those are not the "homeopathic" frauds they're familiar with.
Would you teach a kid growing up in Colorado to beware of copperheads (which
they are very, very unlikely to encounter in that state)? Or would you teach
them to beware of rattlesnakes?

It seems to me that you're so focused on the "symptom" that bothers YOU,
you're completely blind to the "symptom" that is actually having the most
negative impact on the "patient."


> So it needs only one fight, not several layers starting form the
> blatantly obvious.
> The simple answer is best - homeopathy has a clear definition given to it
> by its inventor. It just needs to be upheld.
> Namaste,
> Irene
> --
> Irene de Villiers, B.Sc AASCA MCSSA D.I.Hom/D.Vet.Hom.
> P.O. Box 4703 Spokane WA 99220.
> (Veterinary Homeopath.)
> "Man who say it cannot be done should not interrupt one doing it."
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> Homeopathy Mailing List

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