Donnerstag, 22. Dezember 2011

Re: [H] Combos and complexes

The world did not stop with Hahnemann....he did have a tough enough time to
create and explain, as much as science in his time could, the works of
homeopathy....others came after him and although his principle and
definitions still are perfectly correct and have stood the test of time,
others have done more research: Hughes, Crompton-Burnett, Vannier, etc,....

And I can tell you that H did not treat organs then constitutionally,
remember that "konstituzion" for H meant the body build, not the Kentian and
neo-kentian meaning.

And in his case books, at least the ones I read during my studies with David
Little are often very clinical: Mr. X came if for this problem, gave him
that remedy, he is cured......

As I wrote, take some time to compare the MM for the same plant or substance
in different modalities, then you will seen the similitude, which goes hand
in hand with what I wrote earlier on, that most of those treatment are
working through homeopathic rules.

The rules of synergy are well known to herbalists and well demonstrated, it
would take me hours to go into explanations, sorry.

Certainly, if you can find one single remedy able to treat a situation, that
is the ideal. When dealing with organic changes it is not really a
possibility except in very few cases or in real acutes, like belladonna or
aconite or arnica situations.....the less remedies, the better....



Dr. J. Rozencwajg, NMD.

"The greatest enemy of any science is a closed mind"

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-------Original Message-------


Date: 23/12/2011 4:13:36 p.m.


Subject: Re: [H] Combos and complexes

You seem to have a mastery of using homeopathic remedies to treat conditions
that have progressed beyond constitutional treatment.

I was told this is considered lesional prescribing, where organs are
becoming damaged or weakened as their homeopathic disease has progressed
thus also their allopathic named diseases.

Dr. Joe,

There is certainly a need for this as many people wait too late to seek
alternative medical help as many of the patients you have described seem to.

I may need this type of prescribing one day as while my constitutional
treatment is progressing, so are my miasmatic based diseases.

Kind of a race, will my kidneys, pancreas, liver, eyes, blood vessels, heart
suffer irreparable organ damage while I wait for the possibility of the
classical homeopathic cure which includes organs as well as all psora based
ills, as described by Hahnemann.

Instead of using homeopathic remedies for short term help that may be
confusing to my vital force while taking constitutional remedies for long
term/permanent cure, I opt for naturopathic methods, using herbal, vitamins,
etc. And have been urged by my current homeopath to see a naturopath. Since
I have a long history of diverse health systems pointing to liver
insufficiencies, I find many liver related herbs and vitamins helpful.. I
recently found shiitake mushrooms helpful, that based on it's "super
beneficial" status for type B blood, as taught by D'Adamo in his blood type
diet plans.

Since you never called your practice classical homeopathy and most, even you
don't consider it that, what school is this type of organ based prescribing
and combo complexes taught, if at all? If Hahnemann didn't prescribe and
describe how to in the Organon, who did? We'd need someone who looked at
Hahnemann's casebooks to see if he ever practiced this way, treating organs,
then treating constitutionally.

While I applaud you for being able to tackle these more serious medical
cases, as most non-medical lay homeopaths could not, if these quasi-ER style
cases were to have pursued classical homeopaths early on, could it have
obviated the need to seek this type of emergency help?

Still not sure how mixing the remedies as you do and administering all at
once always ensures a successful outcome. While herbal synergy is discussed
and promoted, not clear how it is shown to actually be true, how can it be
also be shown reliably that homeopathic synergy actually exists, unless it
is specifically a phenomenon of organs?


-----Original Message-----

From: Dr. J. Rozencwajg, NMD. <>

To: homeopathy <>

Sent: Thu, Dec 22, 2011 7:01 PM

Subject: [H] Combos and complexes

If I still had some hair on my head, they would stand straight right now, in

Orror and awe at reading the total lack of knowledge and misunderstanding

Bout the real, scientific, way to use complex remedies.

Some of us DO know homeopathy inside out at all levels......

I am not talking about the OTC, commercially prepared bottles, "this for

Hat": this is allopathy indeed, using dynamised substances, not homeopathy.

I am not talking about the complex remedies used in Homotoxicology,

nthroposophical Medicine, Homeobotanical medicine, or the Reckeweg system:

hose are homotoxicological, anthroposophical, homeobotanical and Reckeweg

emedies prescribed according to their respective principles of practice,

nd they do not call themselves Homeopaths.

The complexist approach is different: first it is a clinical,

athology-oriented approach, aimed at treating a state of disease in a

ystem or organ of a patient, using the symptoms, signs and modalities

eveloped by that system/organ and not relating to "totality" of the patient

Example: a patient with liver insufficiency or hepatitis; most of the

eneral symptoms and signs that I would include in a

lassical/Hahnemaniann/Kentian approach are the result of the metabolic

mbalance due to the liver situation. Any "constitution", any "miasm" will

resent with almost the same clinical symptoms and the few individual

ariations specific to a patient are not enough to prescribe upon, if at all

erceptible. Therefore it is indicated to treat the liver status first,

emove the pathological symptoms and signs, THEN get to the essential core

f the problem that has led to liver insufficiency or hepatitis.

Within that plan it is possible to "take the case" of an organ: which part

f the liver is enlarged leads to different remedies, the local symptoms,

ggravations, amelioration and modalities will provide a list of different

emedies. So far nothing much different.....but we are here dealing with a

ery physical system where physiology and biochemistry are perturbed; the

ifferent remedies have different modes of actions (and some of us know them

hen studied from a herbalist point of view, just compare the MM for

araxacum, Silybum and Cynara in herbal and homeopathic textbooks....) and

espite what many have written, they DO work in synergy.

In situations like that, what is important is not to know which remedy was

ffective, but that the TREATMENT was effective, the patient is back to his

ormal previous status, now we can go on and treat deeply.

Here is a treatment I prescribed yesterday to a colleague in his seventies

ith sudden (a few months ago) appearance of a mitral valve prolapse with

lowly progressing heart failure and shortness of breath.

Those are the rubrics I used (Mac Rep and RefWorks):

Heart & circulation; HEART and region of; valves, valvular complaints;

itral (27)

Respiration; GASPING; heart complaints, in (1)

Generalities; HEART complaints, in (311)

Respiration; DIFFICULT; heart complaints, in (67)

Respiration; DIFFICULT; heart complaints, in; valvular (2)

Mitral valve prolapse (4) :

Mitral valve (47) : Respiration; DIFFICULT; exertion agg. (123)

Heart & circulation; EXERCISE, after; slight (50)

The major remedies that appeared useful here are Lauroceraseus, Strophantus

nd Apocynum Cannabinum. I eliminated the animal remedies (snakes...) as

eing too potent for him right now and the others as not being sufficiently

eart specific, settled on those 3 using HERBAL indications, which are

xactly the same in homeopathic materia medicas, only more

es, you could say this is a herbal prescription using potentised herbs, if

ou want.

As a first stage he will take them separately, for a simple reason: IMO he

ill be able to stop the Apocynum quickly, if that prescription works, then

e can adapt the doses of the others (that is the PLURALISTIC approach),

hen both remaining remedies will be put together to form a combo/complex

pecific to his cardiac condition and prepared according to repertorisation

nd materia medica.

That is how you create a combo/complex remedy, that is how you use multiple

emedies at the same time.

What is not acceptable for practitioners is to throw into the same bottle

emedies that vaguely related to a few symptoms and hope for the best.

Have a Happy New Year and a Merry Hanukkah.



Dr. J. Rozencwajg, NMD.

"The greatest enemy of any science is a closed mind"

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