Dienstag, 20. Dezember 2011

Re: [H] Arnica helping acute insomnia/frequent waking

Unfortunately I couldn't get Nat Phos that you suggested. As I have
mentioned before, homeopathy is not really common in Slovenia and there
is a limited number of remedies you can purchase here. So obviously I'll
have to try with some herbs- right now I'm giving him fennel, anis and
coriander tea. In fact, I'm scared of giving him any more homeopathic
remedies. I was absolutely convinced that they can do no harm but now
I've changed my opinion. When I started with Chamodent (the mixture of
remedies I listed above) I was so happy to see that it worked and I just
continued with other remedies when he got cold, etc.
I've tried with soy milk formula but so far there's no change so
obviously he doesn't seem to have intolerance or allergy to cow milk.

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